
We are Joachim and Leena, an artist couple living in the middle of the mountains near the Femund lake in Norway. Surrounded by forests and pure wilderness, here exists a kind of stillness which can be difficult to find these days. All our products are produced and send from here, hoping to bring a sense from the wild northern nature into your home!


Nature for Nature's sake

With our art we strive to convey the beauty of the wild and untouched places on earth. By reconnecting with nature we can find a source of healing and oneness with something bigger than ourselves.

Painting Philosophy

The painting process is an intuitive one. Without any particular reference, the paintings are based upon memories and imagination. They don’t attempt to show a true picture of a landscape, but rather the feeling one might get whilst in nature. Quite deliberately no humans or animals appear. This is done in order to keep the focus on the landscape and showcase nature for nature’s own sake.

Production Process

Every art piece is unique and will only be produced once. In our world with a dominance of mass produced goods we believe in the value of something being one of a kind. The entire process, from conception to the finished product, is done by ourselves. Around every two month the shop will be restocked with new art pieces.


Who we are and what we do

On our Youtube channels you can find many insights into our life in the norwegian mountains and also in the production process of the different art pieces. Have a look if you like!

Joachim Ingulstad

Born in Vienna, Austria, Joachim moved to Norway at a young age and grew up in the woodlands outside Oslo. Before deciding to dedicate himself fully to painting he studied politics in Australia and Germany whilst educating himself in drawing and painting on the side. His work draws on his own experiences and love of nature, trying to communicate the feeling of awe it inspires in him.

Leena Henningsen
Filmmaker & Photographer

Born and grown up in the north of Germany, Leena’s creative journey started at a young age with painting, drawing and photography, until she found her passion in filmmaking. Though she mostly taught herself, she was later educated in Screen-Design and Digital Filmproduction. In her creative work she always aims to create an emotional experience, that touches heart and soul.

Every other month we are launching a new collection of art pieces in our shop.
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