How to paint a landscape from imagination


5. Grasses

In this lesson we will make a study of four different trees, so you can have an example of what to look for and how to find patterns in their way of growing. We will also get into some brush techniques, that will help to paint the trees in an easy way. Everything you learn here, you can adapt on other trees too. Maybe next time you go for a walk, find yourself a species of trees, try to understand how they grow and sketch their pattern until your hand and mind remembers it. This is all about practice! 

Time to sketch and learn

While we are painting from imagination, we still want our landscape to look realistic. And for that it's important to learn how things grow and how they look, before we plant them into our painting. So for the next lessons, we invite you to grab your sketchbook, your brush and paint and go outside into nature. Find yourself a tree, a plant or a stone, that you would like to have in your painting and study it. You can of course also just look at pictures in the internet. The important part here is that it's not so much about sketching one particular tree or plant, but to look for patterns in the different species. We want to understand how they function and how they grow on a very basic level. How you can do that you will learn in the next lessons!


Learning grasses and how to paint lines

Looking at grasses is a great and very easy way to discover patterns in nature. Shift your focus from one particular blade of grass to a whole meadow and try to find similarities and repetitions in their way of growing. Once you have found a simple pattern you can practice it and get it into your hand and memory. In this session you will also learn how to paint fine lines using the liner and how to paint grasses using the fan brush. This is something that really just needs to be practiced. So, play around with the brushes, get used to them and have fun!

Canvas Board

Canvas laminated onto a cardboard, for use with oil and/or acrylic paints.

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Oilpainting Starterset

Oilpainting starterset. They usually all come with similar colours.

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Plastic palette with different units, so the colours doesn't mix up.

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Old Holland Oilpaint

In case you want to paint with more expensive and high quality colours.

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Odourless Solvent

Painting medium to thin the colour and clean the brushes.

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Green for Oil

Alternative painting medium, that is more environment and health friendly.

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White Oilpaint

Bigger tube of white oilpaint to prepare the canvas.

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Watercolour Pad

Aquarell / Watercolour Pad, for sketching, where the paint dries quickly.

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Pencil or Pen

For scetching and practicing later on. Just use what you have and what you feel comfortable with.

Flat Brush

Flat Brush - Size 1/2.
To paint backgrounds and largers areas.

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Filbert Brush

Filbert Brush - Size 8.
All purpose brush to paint clouds, trees and foliage.

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Liner - Size 1.
Sharp needle point brush for long lines and details.

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Fan Brush

Fan Brush - Size 1
In this course we will use it to paint grasses.

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Round Brush

Round Brush - Size 2.
All purpose brush for finer lines and transitions.

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